Please find below a selection of media mentions, interviews and reviews about my work. For media inquiries, you can contact me here

Haqq-Misra, Jacob, Clément Vidal, and George Profitiliotis. 2025. “Projections of Earth’s Technosphere: Luminosity and Mass as Limits to Growth.” Acta Astronautica 229 (April): 831–38. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2025.01.048.

Vidal, C. 2024. “The Spider Stellar Engine: A Fully Steerable Extraterrestrial Design?” Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 77 (5): 156–66. doi:10.59332/jbis-077-05-0156.

Interview with Fraser Cain about stellivores, the spider stellar engine, the noosphere and other big questions!

D’autres vies sont possibles

Par Emilie Rauscher, Science & Vie, 121, Mars 2019

Et si les extraterrestres avaient un GPS galactique ?

Par Clément Vidal
Le Figaro Sciences
, Novembre 2018


Discussion with Alexandre Wajnberg, in French.

Ready for Aliens? Humanity between jubilation and shock.

Biologists, anthropologists and space scientists discuss the impact of discovering extraterrestrial life. Author: Yvonne Maier (in German).

In the science documentary Through the Wormhole, season 6, episode 4: Do we live in the Matrix? , I explain why computer simulations may be key to save the universe in the far future.

Jean-Michel Abrassart interviews me about the impact of discovering extraterrestrial life (in French). Listen to the interview

McHenry, Leemon B. “The Beginning and the End: The Meaning of Life in a Cosmological Perspective.” Choice 52, no. 06 (February 1, 2015): 52–3036. doi:10.5860/CHOICE.186550.

Stone, Maddie. 2015. The Search for Starivores, Intelligent Life That Could Eat the Sun. Motherboard. January 6.

Gilster, Paul. 2014. The Zen of SETI, Centauri Dreams, 27/10/2014
----------- 2014. Examining SETI Assumptions, Centauri Dreams, 28/10/2014
----------- 2014. A Test Case for Astroengineering, Centauri Dreams, 30/10/2014

Delahaye, Jean-Paul. 2014. “Cosmos: l’art de spéculer sérieusement.Pour la Science, n°444, Octobre.


Alexandre, L., Nous dans 100 milliards d'années, Le Monde, Cahier Science&Médecine, n°21590, 18/06/2014. Translation as "The Ultimate Metaphysical Debate: Should We Try To Save The Universe?", Worldcrunch, 02/07/2014.

Messerly, J. A Detailed Overview of Clément Vidal's "The Beginning and the End", Humanity+ Magazine, 14/05/2014


PhD defense presentation, May 27th 2013.